Buckinghamshire New University Policies and Procedures
- Academic Appeals Process
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Access and Participation Statement
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Anti-Money Laundering Policy
- Attendance and Engagement Policy
- Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech Policy
- Compensation and Refund Policy
- Data Protection Policy
- Disclosure and Barring Service
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
- ESO (BNU Registered Students) Complaints Policy
- Fitness to Practise Regulations
- Fitness to Study Policy
- GOsC Guidance about Professional Behaviours and Fitness to Practise for Osteopathic Students
- GOsC Guidance for Applicants and Students with a Disability or Health Condition
- GOsC Osteopathic Practice Standards
- GOsC Student Fitness to Practise: Guidance for Osteopathic Educational Institutions
- GOsC Students with a Disability or Health Condition: Guidance for Osteopathic Educational Institutions
- Health and Safety Statement
- Intellectual Property Policy
- Mitigating Circumstances and Extensions Policy
- Office for Students, Student Protection Plan
- Privacy Notice: Alumni Data
- Privacy Notice: Employees
- Privacy Notice: Graduation Ceremony
- Privacy Notice: Patients
- Privacy Notice: Students
- Reasonable Adjustment Procedure
- Safeguarding Policy
- Social Media Policy
- Student Charter
- Student Debt Policy (MOst)
- Student Sexual Violence and Misconduct
- Terms and Conditions of Admissions 2019/20
- Tuition Fee Policy
- Whistle Blowing Policy