News & Events

Stay up to date with all the latest information, from Graduation Ceremonies to Sports Days & Mayoral Visits

ESO graduates reunited

ESO graduates came together for a reunion last weekend! It was a perfect opportunity to catch up and share where their careers as Osteopaths have taken them. Interested in studying at the ESO in Maidstone, Kent, starting September 2025? Discover more here

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BCNO Group tutor Claire Piper recognised as an accredited mentor by Institute of Osteopathy

We are so proud of BCNO Group tutor Claire Piper who has been recognised as an Institute of Osteopathy accredited mentor. As a trained mentor she has undertaken extensive mentor training and is ready to share her experience and knowledge with students and registered Osteopaths, to support them in the next phase of their career.…

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Paolo Tozzi presents CPD course at ESO

Thank you to Paolo Tozzi for presenting his CPD course ‘The Fascial Component in Osteopathic Practice’ last weekend at the ESO. Paulo will be back next year with a further CPD course so watch this space

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Year 4 Osteopathy students present their research projects

Our final year students are heading towards the finish line and will soon graduate! As part of their four-year degree, they study research methods and carry out a research project in areas of Osteopathy they are passionate about. Their findings were presented yesterday as published papers to Will Gowers, our Head of Research, and their…

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Sports Day 2024

The osteopathic students annual sports day was a fantastic day filled with rugby, volleyball, spikeball, sprints and tug of war, with a well-deserved party at the end of all their hard work. It was a pleasure to see so many osteopathic students come together and have fun!

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BCNO Group faculty attends the Institute of Osteopathy roadshow

The BCNO Group faculty team attended the Institute of Osteopathy’s roadshow this weekend. We learned about the latest developments in Osteopathy, discussed the future of the profession with colleagues, and celebrated 150 years of Osteopathy!

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Osteopathy at the London Marathon

We are incredibly proud of our students who provided osteopathic treatment to marathon runners in the 2024 London Marathon, who were supporting Versus Arthritis! The group of BCOM student osteopaths did an excellent job providing post-race treatment to grateful runners who had just completed the gruelling 26 miles across the city. Registered Osteopath and Head…

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Obituary: Margery Bloomfield

It is our very sad task, but also our very great privilege, to announce the death of arguably the most important individual in the life of the ESO – Margery Bloomfield. Margery died on Wednesday, March 20th, 2024, aged 94. She, together with her then husband, Tom Dummer, founded the ESO in 1974, although the…

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Celebrating 150 years of Osteopathy

2024 marks 150 years of Osteopathy, and we are beyond proud to be part of this incredible profession that transforms lives every day. We are calling on all Osteopaths to share their pride with us by joining the celebration! Whether it’s an idea, a video, a podcast, or a social media post, we want to…

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Representing Osteopathy at the Houses of Parliament

BCNO Group Ambassador Rob Thomas is at the Houses of Parliament today, shedding light on the incredible benefits of Osteopathy for musculoskeletal health. As advocates for patient well-being, we are showcasing to MPs and Lords this week how Osteopaths can play a crucial role in helping patients with musculoskeletal conditions. Rob Thomas has organised this…

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