News & Events

Stay up to date with all the latest information, from Graduation Ceremonies to Sports Days & Mayoral Visits

Sports Day 2024

The osteopathic students annual sports day was a fantastic day filled with rugby, volleyball, spikeball, sprints and tug of war, with a well-deserved party at the end of all their hard work. It was a pleasure to see so many osteopathic students come together and have fun!

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BCNO Group faculty attends the Institute of Osteopathy roadshow

The BCNO Group faculty team attended the Institute of Osteopathy’s roadshow this weekend. We learned about the latest developments in Osteopathy, discussed the future of the profession with colleagues, and celebrated 150 years of Osteopathy!

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Obituary: Margery Bloomfield

It is our very sad task, but also our very great privilege, to announce the death of arguably the most important individual in the life of the ESO – Margery Bloomfield. Margery died on Wednesday, March 20th, 2024, aged 94. She, together with her then husband, Tom Dummer, founded the ESO in 1974, although the…

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Representing Osteopathy at the Houses of Parliament

BCNO Group Ambassador Rob Thomas is at the Houses of Parliament today, shedding light on the incredible benefits of Osteopathy for musculoskeletal health. As advocates for patient well-being, we are showcasing to MPs and Lords this week how Osteopaths can play a crucial role in helping patients with musculoskeletal conditions. Rob Thomas has organised this…

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Sports Tutor Danny Mace wins the Birtish Jet Ski Championship

A huge congratulations to our sports osteopathic tutor Danny Mace for winning the British Jet Ski Championships in September. We are all so proud of him . Danny Mace has been British Champion four times and ranked in the world top 10 in 2017. It was this area of his life that led him to…

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ESO Graduation

Graduation 2023! Congratulations to all our lovely final year students who graduated today. We are so proud of you all and excited to see what the future holds as you enter the world as a qualified Osteopath.

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ESO Sports Day

The ESO Student Association organised the Annual Sports Day on 6th May. A team from UCO and Swansea joined ESO and BCOM students for a day full of activities, including rugby, football, volleyball, spike ball, sprinting and tug of war. After a day full of sports activities, the teams and their supporters enjoyed music and…

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ESO International expands to Singapore

We are delighted to announce that we are partnering with Pain Relief Therapy Singapore  to offer our Master of Osteopathy degree to students in Singapore. The ESO International brand, which is part of the BCNO Group, grows from strength to strength with osteopathic education also being offered in Denmark, Armenia and many more partners across…

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